Tuesday, February 16, 2010

and so it begins...

Ok, so I'm feeling pretty good right now. I just checked and it seems I have 1 follower so far. Thanks Donald! So I guess this post is for you..? Well, let's hope a few more people read it, but anyway here goes. I don't have much to say, seeing as I haven't even arrived in Colombia yet, but seeing as I was really smart and chose the longest flight duration I could, I'm bored out of my mind and need something to do. Currently I'm sitting in the Toronto airport waiting for my flight to Bogota which leaves at 2pm. Why did I choose a flight that is 26 hours in total and takes me from Winnipeg to Montreal, Montreal to Toronto, and finally Toronto to Bogota you ask? I know the destinations are completely illogical, but it was a seat sale, and when I saw Montreal was one of the places I could stop I chose it immediately thinking I'd be able to see my cousin Jenn and her husband Etienne while I was there overnight. Sadly that didn't work out, so I spent all night sitting on top of my bags on the floor by a random power outlet that was not near to any chairs or anything comfortable at all. My technological devices are a little challenged you could say. My phone is constantly dying and needs to be plugged in almost all the time, and my laptop battery is completely dead, so it doesn't work at all unless it's plugged in. I got to know one of the janitors who made me move because I was in the way of his floor cleaner at one point, but then I moved back. He also thought I was Italian...not sure why. Do I look Italian? He seemed to think so. So anyway, at this point I've been up for way too long, and have gross traveller's gut from eating only crap along the way. I can't wait to get to my hostel tonight to shower, brush my teeth, and sleep! Oh, I also really enjoyed my time on the moving sidewalks here in Toronto...they move pretty quickly and it was highly amusing to me apparently. Hmm, well after that run-on paragraph (I'm not very good at separating my thoughts) I think I'm done for now. So maybe I'll have something more interesting to say when I arrive at my real destination. Bye for now!

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